Solar energy is now more affordable than ever and can even make you money!
Find out how with our intro guide to solar and how it has changed in recent years.
Solar Makes Sense – for your pocket and the planet
Solar now makes financial sense: it’s the perfect technology to reduce energy costs – delivering a net saving on energy bills – as well as helping the wider green recovery.
Of course it’s true that we don’t have as much sunshine as other parts of the world. However, the cost is so low that it makes sense in the UK too. The cost of solar equipment has come down by approximately 90% over the last decade and we expect to see a similar trend with battery technology cover the next 10 years. Batteries will allow solar PV owners to store and use the generated energy when and how they want, to maximise energy efficiency and cost savings.
Solar PV capacity commissioned in the last year has produced power at lower prices than the cheapest new coal, oil or natural gas options. Crucially, this has happened without financial assistance or subsidies.
In 2017, the solar industry achieved its original 2020 cost target of $0.06 per kilowatt-hour for utility-scale photovoltaic (PV) solar power three years ahead of schedule, dropping from about $0.28 to $0.06 per kilowatt-hour (kWh).
Much of the cost of micro (or domestic) solar is in the cost of installation - labour - but this is mitigated when you invest in solar at the stage of a new build or if it is already integrated into a facility or building. A SunHaus, for example, where solar comes already installed as part of the fabric of the building.
SunHaus uses solar energy as standard
SunHaus buildings are net zero carbon, which means the solar panels generate more renewable energy than you will use. The energy efficient SunHaus only uses around £100pa of power, but generates £1000 per annum.
The excess energy is either sent back to the grid or (if you take the Powerwall) stored in your battery: net result, £1000 worth of green energy, every year for the next 50 years.
There is no doubt that solar is as vital a technology as electric vehicles and battery storage for any home or businesses with green ambitions. It now makes economic sense without the need for any government subsidy. What’s more, it is a sensible choice for anyone seeking predictable energy pricing as well as those who want to do their own bit towards the green economy.
The longer you take to go solar, the more savings you’re losing! Talk to SunHaus and we’ll give you more information about how our net zero flexi-space buildings work, and a free appraisal of the savings available to you, through solar power, right here in the UK. Email or call 0345 340 4701.