The definition of Net Zero refers to the balance between the amount of carbon produced and the amount removed from the atmosphere. We reach Net Zero when the amount we add is no more than the amount taken away – every SunHaus generates more renewable clean energy than it needs so they are all Net Zero +.
Each SunHaus is better than Net Zero, generating an excess of solar powered clean electric energy, which you can use in real time - in the building or to power an adjacent building or to charge an Electric Vehicle (EV) – or you can store in a battery to use later, again within the building or elsewhere.
If you cannot use the energy generated from SunHaus in real time then the addition of battery storage and, even better, EV charging makes sense both in terms of green energy and financial returns for the owner. Not only does SunHaus alleviate any power bills but it also generates enough power for an EV to run at 10,000miles pa.
If you don’t need the power yourself and/or you don’t have an EV to charge then you can still sell your excess power back to the grid. Furthermore, with new technology coming down the track you can even use excess EV power to send vehicle energy back to buildings or the grid. It’s all good for climate change and your pocket.